SpeedNews/A&D Events

Premier global executive conferences

Aviation Week Network’s A&D Events are the leader in global executive Conferences,
which provide targeted information and professional networking opportunities for senior level
A&D industry leaders. These conferences, including the SpeedNews and A&D events,
deliver unmatched depth of market data and innovative ways to present organizations’ materials.

Attendees meet with distinguished experts in the aerospace industry, learn about current trends,
new products and developments, hear forecasts, and network with customers and peers.

Aerospace Raw Materials & Manufacturers Supply Chain Conference (RMC)
March 9, 2020
Beverly Hills, CA
Aerospace Manufacturing Conference (AMC)
May 7–8, 2019
Greensboro, NC
Aviation Industry Suppliers Conference in Toulouse (ATC)
September 16–18, 2019
Toulouse, France
Business & General Aviation Conference (BGA)
October 2, 2019
Los Angeles, CA
Commercial Aviation Industry Suppliers Conference (ASC)
March 9–11, 2020
Beverly Hills, CA
Aviation Week DefenseChain Conference
22–23, October 2019
McLean, VA
Aviation Week Program Excellence Awards and Banquet
October 23, 2019
McLean, VA
Aviation Week A&D Mergers & Acquisitions Conference
November 6, 2019
Los Angeles, CA

High-impact marketing opportunities


SpeedNews Newsletters

Deliver quick-scan headlines to over 30,000 industry professionals. The newsletters include the most critical announcements in a summary format.

Topics Covered
  • Aircraft orders and transactions
  • Company mergers and acquisitions
  • Supplier news and contracts
  • MRO contracts
  • New product developments
  • Statistics
  • Financial reports
  • Airline and airport news
  • New routes
Newsletter opportunities

SpeedNews Weekly – Distributed every Thursday and includes additional content as well as highlights of the week

SpeedNews Today – Distributed via email each  morning (Monday – Friday)

The Windshield – A complimentary supplement to SpeedNews Weekly, The Windshield is distributed each Monday to an extended audience from 192 countries!

SpeedNews MRO Onsite Briefing

Extend your reach and awareness at decision-makers with special distribution at key industry gatherings, including the MRO conference series, SpeedNews events, Aero-Engines events, ap&m Europe Summit & Exhibition, ACPC, ISTAT Americas and more.

This unique offering reports all important news and information from these key events and reaches more than 50,000 MRO professionals, onsite & online.


The digital hub for easy-to-read news and information for executives in the commercial, business, and military aviation industries since 1979. High-impact banner advertising opportunities available.

Build your marketing plans around other key A&D events

Let’s connect

  • Jason Washburn
    Jason Washburn

    Director, Business Development – Marketing Services
    [email protected]
    +1 216-931-9161

Marketing Services —  Reach MORE buyers with MORE impact

Reach over 1.2 million A&D professionals across the globe. Utilize our channels, including our marketing services opportunities to reach your target market, generate leads and make an impact.

What do we deliver?

  • Industry-leading A&D database across all markets, titles, job functions and geographic locations

  • Lead generation and lead nurturing programs that include content marketing, content syndication, webinars, audience extension, 3-touch email programs and more

  • Integrated print/digital programs for streamlined, efficient media buys

  • Research and analysis offerings that deliver the information you need to make confident decisions

Source: Publishers Own Data, August 2023.

Reach over 1.2 million A&D professionals across the globe. Utilize our channels, including our marketing services opportunities to reach your target market, generate leads and make an impact.

What do we deliver?

  • Industry-leading A&D database across all markets, titles, job functions and geographic locations

  • Lead generation and lead nurturing programs that include content marketing, content syndication, webinars, audience extension, 3-touch email programs and more

  • Integrated print/digital programs for streamlined, efficient media buys

  • Research and analysis offerings that deliver the information you need to make confident decisions

Source: Publishers Own Data, August 2023.

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