Aviation Week Marketplace

Digital Marketplace Connecting Buyers and Sellers


Where Buyers Meet Suppliers.

Aviation Week Marketplace is the next generation interactive supplier directory that provides turnkey marketing solutions from the industry’s most trusted brand.

Promoted to 120,000 aviation professionals daily, Aviation Week Marketplace connects buyers with over 13,000 global suppliers.

With 180,000+ website visitors per year and an average click through rate of 13%, our advertising promotion package ensures your products and services are seen.

Build your custom profile

Promote your company

Grow your business

Advertising Opportunities

Media Solutions

This includes the Aviation Week Marketplace media kit.

Marketing Services —  Reach MORE buyers with MORE impact

Reach over 1.2 million A&D professionals across the globe. Utilize our channels, including our marketing services opportunities to reach your target market, generate leads and make an impact.

What do we deliver?

  • Industry-leading A&D database across all markets, titles, job functions and geographic locations

  • Lead generation and lead nurturing programs that include content marketing, content syndication, webinars, audience extension, 3-touch email programs and more

  • Integrated print/digital programs for streamlined, efficient media buys

  • Research and analysis offerings that deliver the information you need to make confident decisions

Source: Publishers Own Data, August 2023.

Reach over 1.2 million A&D professionals across the globe. Utilize our channels, including our marketing services opportunities to reach your target market, generate leads and make an impact.

What do we deliver?

  • Industry-leading A&D database across all markets, titles, job functions and geographic locations

  • Lead generation and lead nurturing programs that include content marketing, content syndication, webinars, audience extension, 3-touch email programs and more

  • Integrated print/digital programs for streamlined, efficient media buys

  • Research and analysis offerings that deliver the information you need to make confident decisions

Source: Publishers Own Data, August 2023.

Learn more about who we are and how we can help you.


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